Anaheim 2 Sexton Ho fermato l’emorragia!
Ad Anaheim prestazione maiuscola per Chase Sexton che ha mostrato al resto della compagine la sua caratura imponendosi nell’ultima decisiva frazione della prova di esordio del Triple Crown. Performance scomposta per l’australiano Jett Lawrence che si è reso protagonista di troppi errori che gli hanno precluso il gradino più alto del podio. Colt Nichols che ha chiuso il terzo confronto del 2023 ai margini della top ten.
Ecco le parole dei protagonisti:
Chase Sexton: “It’s always nervous coming into the first one because you don’t know where everyone’s at. The big thing was how the track was going to form up for the main, and after practice, the joke was, ‘I just want to see Sunday!’ [laughs] I had a bit of a rough one in the heat race, so I just focused on the main and making sure I did what I needed to do. I’m thankful I came out of here in one piece.”
Jett Lawrence: “The first two mains were pretty much chaos—I had some bad starts, made some mistakes, and that was pretty much it. Luckily, in the third one I was able to get a good start and stay out of the carnage for once. I’m looking forward to having some time off, playing some golf and getting ready for Oakland.”
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Colt Nichols: “I was looking forward to the Triple Crown, just because I had been getting out of the gate really well, but today I couldn’t quite pull it together on the starts. I was on the ground a little bit tonight as well, and didn’t quite have it; it was a bit frustrating, from practice on. We need to be a little better. We’re struggling to find comfort in some areas, and I was too timid in some spots and too aggressive in others. We’ll figure it out.”
Lars Lindstrom -Team Manager: “We needed a good day like today. Even though a sweep of 250 and 450 wins keeps avoiding us, we had a great day towards the championships. Even with Jett getting second, being 16 points ahead is huge. And Chase made up a ton of points after having an awesome day qualifying and capitalizing on others’ misfortunes. The whole team is super excited—a lot of weight off our shoulders.”
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