Ken Roczen Che delusione…
A fine gara il più deluso era sicuramente Ken Roczen che, ancora una volta, ha gettato al vento un risultato acquisito ampiamente alla sua portata. Un banale errore commesso durante il 14° giro, ha definitivamente azzerato le sue possibilità di conquistare il titolo Supercross. Ecco le sue parole:
Ken Roczen: “What a bummer, once again. I got the holeshot in the main and gapped the field, but just found myself on the ground after tucking the front before the whoops. I dropped back to sixth, and that’s where we finished as well. There’s not much that I can say about it, to be honest; it’s unfortunate…
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…I’m finding myself on the ground lately in general, which normally is not my style. I’m just trying to put my team and myself on the top step and it just hasn’t been working out, so I’m looking forward to next weekend.”
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