Ken Roczen Ho gettato via il risultato
Sicuramente il più veloce in pista ma, nonostante una partenza perfetta e quasi 12 secondi vantaggio, un solo errore lo ha costretto ancora una volta al secondo gradino del podio. Ecco le parole di Ken Roczen:
Ken Roczen: “Atlanta three was pretty good to us. The track was really, really tough, with the whoops being super long, big and cupped out. In the main event we did exactly what we needed to do–grabbed a good start and made the pass for the lead happen pretty quick. I put a 12-second gap between me and second, just to throw it away in the whoops when I got kicked sideways and then it bucked me…”
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…Afterwards my handlebar or my triple clamps were just a little bit tweaked, and it kind of took the wind out of my sails a bit and [Cooper] Webb made the pass happen with a couple of laps to go. I ended up second and lost three points, but the team and I did a great job and almost won. I want to hang onto the positive, meaning I rode really well, and am going to come in strong in Salt Lake City.”
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