Ken Roczen Abbiamo ancora molte gare per riscattarci
Un pessimo cancello nel main event ed una partenza veramente difficile, hanno costretto Ken Roczen a consegnare la Tabella Rossa a Cooper Webb. Ecco le sue dichiarazioni:
Ken Roczen: “My Saturday started off pretty good. We felt good in qualifying practices and went into the night show with a good start. I was on the outside of [Dean] Wilson, and with the 90 degree angle, got pushed wide a bit to fourth. I made a pass into third and tried to get by Dean a couple of times, but made a mistake trying to triple in. I didn’t make it and ended up going down, dropping back to seventh, which unfortunately gave me a bad gate pick for the main event. The rut was really messed up, so that start wasn’t good in the main at all. I wasn’t moving forward at all in the main, struggled to make some passes and only ended up coming in sixth…
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It wasn’t the result that we wanted, but we come back on Tuesday; we’ll let go of this race and come back and try again. The good thing is that this wasn’t the final round, by any means. We have a lot of racing left and plenty of time to redeem ourselves. For Tuesday, we want a bit of revenge and to try to start up front so I can ride with the front runners and see what position we can put ourselves in.”
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(Image profile K.Roczen, HRC)